Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Journal 22

Journal 22

Q Journal Instructions Self-Review Directions: Ask yourself the following questions and make adjustments to your portfolio introduction before posting and completing the Peer Review. 1. Did I write about my writing process? 2. Did I explain what I meant to do in my writing? For example, if I was trying to write in form for poetry, where did I succeed? Where did I struggle? What will I do next time? 3. Did I write about the genre(s) I am working in and what I learned about these genres? 4. What quotes did I include about writing that were helpful to me? 5. How did I revise? Do I write about my revision process? (For example, did I work to revise imagery and metaphor by extending the metaphor in my poems, essays, short stories, etc.? Did I practice reading my dialog out loud so I could hear my one act play?) 6. Did I write 2 whole pages? ?

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Did I write about my writing process? I believe I did Did I explain what I meant to do in my writing? For example, if I was trying to write in form for poetry, where did I succeed? Where did I struggle? What will I do next time? I honestly believed I did although I was a bit confused and wasn't sure I was writing the correct information. I was struggling with putting my one act play together, but the index card help me and starting it early and keep addind and editing helped. Next time I will think of another techique to help me to be better and to succed. Did I write about the genre(s) I am working in and what I learned about these genres?